OPUS Homes
OPUS Homes
OPUS Homes
OPUS Homes
Esquire Homes Community Story
Esquire Homes Community Story
Esquire Homes
Esquire Homes
Site rendering.jpg
Esquire Homes
Esquire Homes
Fairgate Homes
Fairgate Homes
Fiargate Homes
Fiargate Homes
Fairgate Homes Sinage
Fairgate Homes Sinage
Esquire Homes
Esquire Homes
Esquire Homes
Esquire Homes
river run wall display.jpg
cn brochure2.jpg
cn brochure.jpg
TD mockup cover.jpg
TD poster.jpg
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Vanessa Galle Design samples1_Page_3.jpg
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Vanessa Galle Design samples1_Page_5.jpg
poster dougieball.jpg
Dougie ball web.jpg
richview newspapger design.jpg
OPUS Homes
OPUS HomesAurora Trails brochure design, and custom photography.
OPUS Homes
OPUS HomesOPUS Homes Aurora trails brochure design, development and production.
Esquire Homes Community Story
Esquire Homes Community StoryEsquire Homes new development Three 7, Community Story and site plan.
Esquire Homes
Esquire Homes Three 7 handouts, renderings and floor plans.
Site rendering.jpg
Esquire Homes
Esquire Homes Oakwood Manor signage, Esquire Homes
Fairgate Homes
Fairgate HomesEstates on the Ravine brochure design.
Fiargate Homes
Fiargate HomesFairgate Homes Estates on the Ravine brochure design and custom photography.
Fairgate Homes Sinage
Fairgate Homes SinageFairgate Homes presents Estates on the Ravine, high end luxury custom homes located in Markham. 
Esquire Homes
Esquire HomesRiver Run Brochure design development and production.
Esquire Homes
Esquire HomesRiver Run brochure design, custom photography and development of amenities map for the city of Ajax.
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cn brochure2.jpg
cn brochure.jpg
TD mockup cover.jpg
TD poster.jpg
Vanessa Galle Design samples1_Page_1.jpg
Vanessa Galle Design samples1_Page_3.jpg
Vanessa Galle Design samples1_Page_4.jpg
Vanessa Galle Design samples1_Page_5.jpg
poster dougieball.jpg
Dougie ball web.jpg
richview newspapger design.jpg
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